November 2nd, 2024 - SFRC Season closer
Saturday! Meet up at the Dockside Saloon (2047 NW Front Ave Portland, OR) at 11am. Ride leaves at 12:30pm. Ride your favorite 2-Stroke motorcycle, scooter or moped. This ride is open to all two wheeled motorized vehicles. This ride is an urban cruise around Portland showing off our 2-Strokes and our love of motorcycles! The ride will end at the Q-Hut for more fun and hanging out!
October 19th, 2024 - SFRC Back 40 Enduro
Ride cancelled. We will do our best to get this ride back on our 2025 calendar.
August 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th 2024 - SFRC Gold Rush Ride (California Edition)
Launch point, launch time, and destination will be communicated in advance of the ride.
July 13th + 14th, 2024 - SFRC Dusk TiLl Dawn II
July 13th and 14th in Tillamook forest. Dusk Till Dawn 12 hour off-road endurance race is BACK!
June 1st, 2024 - SFRC Used Gear Swap
Jacket doesn’t fit any more? Need a new set of (used) gloves? Too much stuff? Not enough stuff? Solve these problems at our GEAR SWAP, Saturday, April 6th. Pick up things you need ... and get rid of things you don’t. You just need to bring your old gear (if you’re selling or swapping) and a few bucks (in case you’re buying). We will provide cheap refreshments, plus some rain shelter and tables (first-come, first-served ... if you can bring your own table to be safe). It’s also a chance to meet new folks, plan some rides, and ease into spring.
May 18th, 2024 - SFRC Season opener
Launch location will be at the Lighthouse. Breakfast, coffee, drinks, grab-ass commences at 9 am, Rider's meeting and kick-stands up at 9:45'ish, maps will be provided the morning of the ride. Come prepared for a 250 to 300 mile ride, lets go!
April 13th, 2024 - Alley Liberation Front Alley Sweeper Ride
It’s that time of year again where we all decide to get together on our motorcycles and explore the alleys of Portland, OR. You won’t want to miss the Alley Sweeper Saturday April 13th, let’s go!
November 4th, 2023 - SFRC Back 40
Come ride with us for the annual Back 40 Enduro! We’ll meet at the corner of Rocky Point Rd and Highway 30 at 10am on Saturday. We’ll be dual sporting about 70 miles on public roads before heading to the Lighthouse in Linnton to warm up with beers and burgers. No map or GPS provided—the way it should be! Bring any bike with off-road capabilities. It’ll be a blast.
October 28th, 2023 - SFRC Season Closer
Meet at 11am at the Lighthouse in Linnton. Show up a little early if you’re feeling like some breakfast and a Bloody Mary before we kick off. We’ll be riding out toward Astoria, doing lunch at Big O Saloon, before heading back to the city for a season closer debrief session over beers at the Quonset Hut on NE Hancock and MLK. Come hang out and ride, the weather looks amazing and riding conditions should be good! Watch out for those pesky wet leaves…
August 5th, 2023 - SFRC Gold Rush
2023 SFRC Gold Rush ride will kick off from Barlow Trail Roadhouse on Saturday August 5th. This year’s ride will be a bittersweet celebration of Zac Christensen and his legacy as the brilliant ideas guy behind this ride and so many other SFRC rides. Kickstands up 9:30am Saturday August 5th
July 8th, 2023 - SFRC Garage Olympics
Come “go for gold” in the SFRC Garage Olympics, Saturday July 8th! Come out to the Quonset Hut on NE Hancock and MLK at 9am to sign up. Competition/rider meeting starts at 10am. The weather looks great for BBQ and refreshments alongside the various challenges.
May 13th, 2023 - SFRC Season Opener
The 21st ANNUAL SFRC season opener is coming up quick! Come ride on May 13th at 9am! Meet at Barlow Trail Roadhouse in Welches, this Saturday May 13th at 9am! We’ll be on the road by 10am. Want to know the route? Well, better show up Saturday! See you then.
April 15th, 2023 - Alley Liberation Front Alley Sweeper
Another year, another Alley Sweeper! Meet FOPO Tavern at 9:00am, kickstands up at 10:00AM. Expect tons of gear giveaways and nearly unlimited Liquid Death to keep you hydrated. After the ride wraps, join us at the Quonset Hut for an after party with mini bike challenges, food, drinks, and live music.
March 28th & 30th, 2024 - SFRC Basic Bike Maintenance Class
If you’re interested in improving your bike maintenance skills and meeting other riders, then sign up for our hands-on “spring wake-up” class. We are limiting enrollment to 8 students. To sign up (or if questions), please contact us at info@sang-froidridingclub. The class is intended for folks with basic hand-tool skills, and little to no experience working on their motorcycle. The class is $25, includes lunch on Saturday, and will be held indoors at close-in NE Portland. Thursday, 28 March, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. - “chalk talk” - review fundamental prep for riding season: oil and filter change, check tires, change hydraulic fluids, etc. We will identify a couple / few folks who can bring their bike Saturday to work on. Saturday, 30 March, 9 a.m. to noon: Hands-on “practical” part of the class. Students work in small teams on a motorcycle, with instructors circulating to help out.
October 22nd, 2022 - SFRC Season Closer
Jack o' lanterns, caramel apples, pumpkin spice lattes, and castor oil!* It's time for the SFRC two stroke ride, this year its our season closer too! Join us Saturday October 22nd at 11am at the Lighthouse in Linnton. We'll ride some sweet roads around the west side, and then head back to the east side for a kegger at the Quonset Hut, just west of the intersection of NE LMK and NE Hancock.
*note: mixing pumpkin spice lattes in your gas not recommended
September 25th, 2022 - SFRC Bol d’Oregon
The Bol d'Oregon is a six-hour motorcycle team endurance road race, held on the twisty track at the McMinnville fairgrounds. Teams can include one and three members. Race fee is $360 total, per team (if you raced in this year's Dusk 'til Dawn offroad race, you get a $40 discount!) A $100 deposit -- which counts towards the entry fee total -- saves your spot on the grid. The race runs for three hours in one direction, three hours in the other. We'll also be running a practice & open track day on Saturday the 24th, so save that date too!
June 25 - 28Th, 2022 - SFRC Goldrush
Our annual Goldrush Ride is right around the corner, 25-28 June, inclusive. We are mixing it up this year and going to California. So spoon on some fresh tires, book a hotel room / pack your camping gear, and ride with us!
May 21st + 22nd, 2022 - SFRC DUSK TILL DAWN
Sang-Froid Riding Club is hosting a "Dusk till Dawn" 12-hour off-road endurance race, May 21st-22nd, in Tillamook State Forest! The race begins at 7pm and ends at 7am. There are classes for amateur and expert teams, as well as Ironman/woman riders. Max of 3 riders/bikes per team, each rider is allowed to use their own machine; Ironman/woman teams go it alone. The course uses non-technical trails, since we want this race to be fun and accessible for both newer and experienced off-road riders. This race will also be a hoot for spectating, as it’s a loop race and will provide spectators with lap after lap of motorcycle racing for 12 hours through the night!
April 16th, 2022 - Alley Liberation Front Alley Sweeper
Together with the Alley Liberation Front, we hit the alleys and streets of Portland on Saturday, April 16th. Meet at the FOPO Tavern at 9 a.m. We roll out at 10 a.m.